
[News] Kangin's DUI Public Apology

Full apology:

This is Kangin. I have nothing else to do but to apologize thousands and tens of thousands times. I should've been more careful after the incident last time but I let you guys down again.

And I can't seem to lift my head. After the last incident, I felt pain day and night thinking I disappointed people. But as soon as I was about to lose a little of that pain, another incident occurs.

I'm so sorry and I'm sorry again. I'm so embarrassed for showing this kind of behavior in front of fans that have always supported me. I should've been more careful thinking about my fans but I have so much resentment for what I did.

And, my members from Lee Teuk to Kyuhyun, because of the last incident, I felt like I was a burden to my members but I have done it again to them so I can't even look at them. They are family to me and I can't stand the fact that I am hurting them like this. Also, to my SM family, I'm sorry.

To everyone, I want to put my head down, bow, and say sorry once more.

SM also wrote: We feel so bad about what has just happened with Kangin. We want to apologize to everyone who feel disappointed about this. We feel this is time for Kangin and us to think over what happened and try our hardest to not let this happen again. Kangin must feel so horrible for letting everyone down. He will head down to the police station on the 17th for his second round of investigations.


Kangin has been suspended from all Suju activities for the rest of 2009.

He was talking about his assault charge, as the problem that happened before the DUI. He got into a fight and the man pressed charges saying that Kangin assaulted him but security cameras around the area proved that he just defended himself. The charges were then dropped.

I hope that Kangin will be able to get through all his problems. He's one the hardest workers in Suju and he's also one of my favorites.

Kangin-oppa Hwaiting!

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